What is the advantage of using a Mailer Box for your online brands?
Stores with no brick and mortar locations get two shots at customer relations: their website and their product. If you get to the point where your product is ordered, your website has to be easy to navigate, fast, and welcoming. This obviously creates your consumers' opinion of you, but that image can change once their order is fulfilled. People want to feel cared for an appreciated. They want to make a personal connection with everything they buy to assure themselves that they made the correct purchasing decision.
Mailer boxes are an eco-friendly and cost-effective way to make that connection for a few reasons:
1. They create a sense of discovery
2. The product ships securely and is unlikely to be damaged
3. They are highly customizable and can help maintain brand consistency
4. A very familiar concept for manufacturers so fewer printing mishaps occur
Take a look at some mailers I've designed over the last few years!
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